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Mustard Microgreens

Do you like mustard on your sandwiches? If so, these Southern Giant Curled Microgreens are for you! They are really spicy like Dijon mustard. We also consider it close to wasabi in terms of spiciness. As a matter of fact, we've tried these mustard microgreens with our sushi instead of the traditional green ball of wasabi you usually get at a sushi place. Let me tell you, these microgreens blow away the wasabi in flavor. It has a deeper flavor profile than just plain old wasabi. The bottom line is, throw away your mustard bottle and use mustard microgreens on your sandwich or sushi instead!


Spicy mustard flavor. Similar to Dijon and Wasabi.


High in Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E. These microgreens are a great source of Omega-3 Fatty Acids, Copper, Phosphorous, Folate, Manganese, Zinc, Folate, Niacin, Magnesium, Iron, Potassium and Calcium. Scientific studies have shown that this combination of vitamins and minerals may have major health benefits


Protects Against Heart Disease
Helps Prevent Diabetes
Helps Prevent Cancer
Protects Your Body From Free Radicals
Great Source of Fiber
Helps Cleanse Digestive Tract
Lower High Cholesterol Levels
Reduce Inflammation
Detoxifies Your Liver and Blood
Slows Aging Process of the Brain
Increases Immune System
Promotes Skin and Eye Health

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