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Arugula, Clover, Radish & Fenugreek

Perfect Mix of Clover, Arugula, Radish and Fenugreek. All wonderful on salads, sandwiches and your other favorite meals! These are all excellent sources of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Arugula: Arugula belongs to the Brassica family of microgreens that includes cabbage, kale, broccoli, and radish. It has a pungent, earthy flavor and adds visual appeal to any salad.

Clover: Delicious clover greens go well with virtually any microgreens salad. They are a healthy, low-calorie, and nutritious complement to any soup, sandwich, and salad.

Radish: Outstanding spicy kick that's a great addition to a salad or on top of a sandwich. If you like to eat radishes in your salads, you'll fall in love with Radish Microgreens!

Fenugreek: Fenugreek seed is one of the primary ingredients in curry powder. Fenugreek also makes a very unique microgreen that has a powerful flavor. They have pale green stems and shiny dark green cotyledons and tend to curl slightly at the base Their leaves thicker than most cotyledons A few microgreens can go a long way in a dish.


Arugula: Pungent, earthy flavor.
Clover: mild, agreeable, and very universal flavor.
Radish: Nice crisp spicy flavor.
Fenugreek: A fresh sweet flavor followed by bitterness.


Arugula: Arugula packs a nutritional punch that can ward off many diseases and increase bone health. High in Vitamin A, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, and Folate. A great source of Potassium, Phosphate, Magnesium, Beta Carotene, and Calcium.

Clover: Soft, light, mild, and crisp flavor. packed with Protein, Fiber, Iron, Calcium, Folate, Vitamin C. Clover is also harvested for both traditional and alternative medicinal remedies including use as a sedative, expectorant, and anti-inflammatory.

Radish: known for their super high level of Vitamin E. Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant. They are also high in Vitamin A, Vitamin B6, and Vitamin C. You'll also find the following minerals in these microgreens: Folate, Potassium. Magnesium, Calcium, and Iron.

Fenugreek: Vitamins A, B, C, E, & K, folic acid, niacin, potassium, iron, phosphorus, pantothenic acid, calcium, magnesium, zinc, carotenes.


Removes free radicals that can damage cell structure.
Increase bone health.
Helps Prevent Cancer
Removes Body Toxins
Blood Sugar Regulation
Regulates Blood Pressure
Promote Cardiovascular Health
Anti-bacterial and Anti-viral
Clears facial acne
Strong Antioxidant Factors
Aids Digestion
Supports Kidney Function
Nasal Decongestant
Helps Breakdown Fats
Helps Weight Loss
Slows Down Osteoporosis
Increases Bone Density
Protects Against Ulcers
Promotes Eye Health
Prevents Anemia
Detoxifies Liver
Reduce Risk of Colon Polyps

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